Friday 4 March 2016

Landscape Drawing On Campus

The layout of the two drawings are very nice. The chosen angles worked well as they were planned out prier to the drawing using thumbnails.

The first drawing of the Re: centre building on the campus has a lot of angles and measurements that had to be lightly drawn out, from the general to the specific, in order to get the correct shading, tone and portrayal of distance in the drawing. The addition of the extra scenery around it such as the tree and the wall in the right foreground make it believable and add realism to the drawing. Using rubbing techniques and highlighting using a rubber, the glass effect of the many windows could be reproduced. There is, however, a slight issue with the perspective of the left side of the building as it seems to curve in on itself slightly. This would not be noticeable to anyone who had not seen the actual building but it is still a small problem that could have been rectified by remeasuring the buildings angle and checking how that would be transferred into the left of centre. Overall though the tone and shading is nice and shows depth in the drawing, something which is important in a landscape scene. Saying this, it has been a good start to the world of drawing buildings and creating a landscape on paper.

The second drawing is of the Richmond building from the outside and was another difficult building to draw due to the varying perspectives and angles. The curved centre area is bigger lower down than at the top which came out well in the drawing. This stands out more due to the shading and tone that was added using smudging at a later stage. This also adds depth to the drawing, something that it lacks in places, such as the main entrance in the far left of the drawing. A sharper pencil would have been better as there is quite a bit of fuzzyness to the drawing. It is still nicely laid out and contains some simple shapes in order to form larger, more prominent structures. Due to bad weather, this drawing was rushed in places but in a way the style of it works with the structure of the building. The bush is quite well smudged as it is clear that the wind is blowing it to the left of the drawing. There are a couple of perspective issues with the building on the right of the image as well due to a misjudgement with the angle but this has been rectified as well as possible. This drawing is not as successful as the first drawing for these reasons but it is all part of the learning experience.      

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