Wednesday 20 April 2016

Hebden Bridge: Colours in Spring

This drawing was created using 2H, 2B pencils and a variety of coloured pencils. It is a scene that deals with colour in the town of Hebden bridge and contains lighting that is created through the vibrant colours.  The countryside is nicely captured in the varying textures and shades of green with the bare trees scattered throughout it. This foliage works well and helps to show the brightness of the day. The bridge itself took some time to get right as one half is straight and the other half curves. With the addition of colour, the entire bridge does seem to curve incorrectly which is an issue that could only be rectified by straightening the edges with darker lines.

The contrast of textures between the cool trees and the warm building is also evocative of the colour of the day. There isn't a cloud in the sky and its clear message of a sunny day in Spring is one that definitely shines through. The buildings are all straight and have a sense of depth volume and weight. The texture of the water seems to have worked as well as it is a combination of crosshatching black, brown and blue which gives a somewhat watery look. This has also translated well in the blackened areas that convey shadow in and around the sides of the water.

The rule of thirds is present in this drawing and there is a convergence of vanishing points in the distance. The eye is also drawn to the center before the outside, something that was intentional through slight tone variations. In conclusion, this excursion allowed for a drawing that depicts the warmth and beauty of an exterior natural setting and the use of colour only enhances this further.    

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