Thursday 12 November 2015

Observational drawing woman: week 1

On the 4th of November 2015, we had our first life drawing class. We had a female model. This drawing helps to highlight the contortion of her body. I added texture to the seat but the facial composition did not have the same aspects of lighting and shading as I had hoped in order to add a better sense of three-dimensionalism. I find the form of this model to be very interesting as her body shape has good bone structure coupled with nice, well rounded elements. Again possibly cross hatching would add better aspects to the realism of the drawing.

Blind drawings
I thought that these would be interesting to add as reference work. we used blind drawing as a drawing task and I actually like the abstract look of these. A form is visible and the intended elements can be made out although they did not join to create the exact drawing that I wanted. I still believe that the nature of the drawing will add to my knowledge of the human form when I draw in the future. 

The look of the female body is very different to the male body when it comes to the curviture but the principle element of drawing still apply to the overall understanding and creation of a piece.  


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