Sunday 24 January 2016

The skeletal structure: Optional week

This drawing is a study of the human skeletal structure. The form that it takes is an interesting one and the overall contortion of the body adds to this. I found that the three dimensionalism in this piece adds to the realism and layout of the drawing. On completing it, it was successful as the positioning and scale of the anatomy is all well represented. The shading of the individual bones such as the scapula and pelvis helps to make the drawing stand out as well as add to my knowledge of the human structure. If i was to draw this again, I would aim to focus more on the Femur and Anterior Tibial bones in order to make them less flat. On reflection, I would also add more shadows under the skeleton in order to further convey weight, most notably from the right humerus down the the right phalanges. Overall though I am happy with this study into the skeleton as it was a new drawing experience close but still reasonably far from the normal life drawings that I have been used to.        

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